Saturday, June 16, 2012

6 months! (a little late)

I think I need to admit that I probably won't ever be "on" the wagon again....

Here's our sweet wonderful boy and his cousin, Levi!

Ryan gets to spend lots of time with Levi, which is great.  Ryan LOVES watching Levi run around and make noise and stuff.  He's much more smile-y when Levi's around, which I think is SO cute!

So, I know I haven't posted a lot of milestones--like Ryan turning 6 months (!!) on June 8th.  I don't know how working moms find time to do anything except take care of their baby, prep for the next day, and laundry.  I guess I'm still trying to find some balance.

Anyway, Ryan's 6 month appointment went well.  He weighs in at a hefty 17 lbs 11 oz and roughly 26 inches.  He also has a big head (90th percentile!).  All in all, the doctor says he looks great, he's happy, he's healthy, so what more could I ask for :)

So, some new things.  Ryan is SO CLOSE to crawling.  This past Friday, he took two "crawls" forward.  He's been a pro at scooting backwards, and has been able to take one "crawl" forward for awhile, but hasn't managed more than that.  I think maybe in the next week, we're going to have an official crawler on our hands!  I guess we should start baby-proofing....

Since Ryan loves to bounce and bounce and bounce, we borrowed a doorway jumper from our friends Jake & Jennifer.  Ryan LOVES this jumper.  He spends SO much time in it and is perfectly content to bounce and bounce and bounce.  The bonus is that it wears him out so he seems to take a little bit longer of a nap!

Ryan's also started on solid foods.  So far, he's had rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, and avocado.  He didn't really like the oatmeal or the applesauce, but was a fan of the rice cereal & avocado (mostly).

Some more exciting news--Ryan is officially a big cousin now!  Deniz (Joe's sister) gave birth to Alexander on June 7th, so now we have another boy cousin to get into mischief with later on!  Lots and lots of boys!!

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