Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Where's the wagon?

I fell off of it and it sped away, and hasn't returned to pick me up yet...

Anyway, here's the latest video of Ryan being Ryan :)  He's 8 1/2 months now!

This video pretty much sums up our life right now! :)  Having fun with Ryan, following him around while he explores his world, trying to keep things out of his mouth, etc.  He finally cut his first tooth last week and another one is very close to coming through, too!  He can stand for a couple of seconds on his own before plopping down and scooting away, but I haven't caught that on video yet.  Still not sleeping through the night consistently--last week, he slept from 7:30pm-6:00am without feeding, without waking up...TWICE.  And he hasn't done it since :)  He's gotten into the habit of waking up anywhere between 3:00-5:00am for a feeding, and it's hard to ignore him when he says "MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA" in between cries :)  My sweet boy!