Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer 2015 - Day 9 & 10

Thursday, June 25, 2015 - Day 9
We started today with some porridge for breakfast.  Ryan loves to doctor his porridge up and add all of his favorite things (cinnamon, tiny bit of sugar, walnuts, raisins and then milk to essentially make porridge soup).  Halfway through eating our porridge, he switched bowls with me and said that my porridge tasted better and that was the one he wanted to eat.  Silly boy!

After breakfast, we went to the splash grounds at Waverly Place.  We went there once or twice last summer, and Ryan enjoyed them and since today was an overcast and much cooler morning, I thought it would be nice to get outside early enough without baking in the sun.

We played there for about 30 minutes and then Ryan said he wanted to go to the swimming pool.  So, we left - but not before stopping off by Gigi's cupcakes for a quick special treat :)

We played at the pool for a bit and then came home.  It was beginning to warm up and the clouds were breaking up and I definitely didn't want to spend the afternoon baking in the sun.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of Curious George, reading books, negotiating a nap, and napping.  Joe got some steaks delivered from his boss that were packed in dry ice, so we took the opportunity to give Ryan a science lesson in the least-safe way possible - in our kitchen, without gloves, without proper ventilation, etc.  Hey, why not, right?

Hard to tell who is enjoying this more - Ryan or Joe? 

Friday, June 26, 2015 - Day 10
Happy due date to me!  

We started the day by building towers and playing with Legos.

We spent most of the day today doing chores around the house and running errands.  A pretty slack summer day.  We had big plans to go to the library today, but other errands took priority so maybe sometime soon we'll make it there so Ryan can check out some more Llama Llama Red Pajama, Curious George, and Thomas the Train books (his favorites right now).

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer 2015 - Day 7 & 8

Tuesday, June 23, 2015 - Day 7

Ya'll, it's HOT.  The high temp today was 100 degrees.  I. CAN'T. STOP. SWEATING.  We started the day by eating porridge (Ryan's request).  After reading, building some towers, and watching an episode of Curious George, I had to go to a dentist appointment so I dropped Ryan off at Oma and Opa's house for a little bit.  He absolutely loves going to Oma and Opa's house - I think it's because he knows he runs the show there.  Sure enough, by the time I returned from my dentist appointment (which was the fastest dentist appointment I've ever had - they moved quickly because I'm so pregnant and shouldn't be on my back for extended periods of time), Ryan had eaten a bowl of strawberries (one of his favorites) and had an ice cream cone - all in about a 45 minute time frame.  Oma checked on her garden and came back to report that there were some tomatoes that needed picking - and Ryan was SO EXCITED.  He showed me the garden and helped pick the three cherry tomatoes that were ready for picking.  He also showed me the green bell pepper that he's been keeping his eyes on, waiting for it to be ready to be picked.
He's so excited and proud of the tomatoes!

I had planned to go to the pool today with Ryan after my dentist appointment, but it was too hot to even go to the pool.  I knew the baby pool would be like a bath and I couldn't imagine being in the big pool with the sun bearing down on us.  So, we nixed the pool idea and stayed at home (and inside most of the time).  We played with the spray bottle on the porch (Ryan loves it) and Ryan made some more crayon soup.  After awhile, we came inside and after some bribing, we took a much needed nap.  About the bribing - Ryan has quite an extensive list of delay tactics to prevent him from taking a nap when I want him to take a nap.  Today's tactic - he wanted me to read him a book (Little Blue Truck's Christmas).  Ok, fine, one book.  But I had to read it downstairs, not upstairs.  And then when I was finished, he wanted to "read" the book to me - that lasted about two pages (where he summarized what was going on on those pages and in the pictures) and then he said "I don't know how to read this, will you read it to me?".  So one book, one time, turned into two times.  And then when we were finished with that second time, he tried REALLY hard to get me to read him another book.  This boy is a negotiator!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 - Day 8
We started off today going to my work mom's morning at Chick-Fil-A (read: where the kids play in the play area, and we sit right outside of it and catch up).  Ryan usually has a good time attending and playing with my coworkers kids (who mostly are about Ryan's same age, plus or minus a year) and today was no different.

Afterwards, we dropped off the completed paperwork for preschool and then took a trip to Marbles.  I love that Ryan loves Marbles.  There were lots of groups there today, so for awhile, Ryan seemed to be a little overwhelmed with all of the big kids there, particularly in the money room.  After playing in the money room for some time, we ventured to the energy room and then Ryan wanted to go play in the pirate ship and in the splash area before leaving.

Waiting patiently for the piggy bank to open up

Ryan LOVED it when the piggy bank was emptied

Psht, woman, I don't need a smock!

After a nice lunch with Meaghan, we went home and took a nice long nap (I know my days are numbered with long naps - moreso for me than for Ryan).  After we woke up, we played a little bit outside before dinner - it was actually decent weather this evening - not too hot and not too humid in comparison to how it's been the past few days.  It made me look forward to the evenings where we go for walks before/after dinner, just like last summer.

The spray bottle and watercolors can entertain Ryan for hours!
We took a trip to the special ice cream store after dinner, and then spent some time stargazing and looking at the planets.  Today was such a great summer day!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer 2015 - Day 5 & 6

Sunday, June 21, 2015 - Day 5

Happy Father's Day!  Ryan and I woke up and made a special trip to Duck Donuts (Joe's breakfast request).  Ryan can sometimes be a "my way or the highway" kind of kid in the mornings - but when I told him that we needed to hurry up and get dressed so we could go buy some special donuts for Daddy, he perked right up and said "oh, I need to get dressed! Where are my daytime clothes?"  He was so excited!  Too cute :)  After breakfast, we hung out at home and got some chores done.  For lunch, I ordered BBQ from The Pit so Joe could get his BBQ fix taken care of.  After a nice long nap at home, we ate a very late dinner and then went to bed.  Not a super duper eventful Father's Day, but all of us have been under the weather lately, so it was nice to just spend some quality time with each other.

Some Father's Day presents that Ryan collected to give to Daddy

Happy Father's Day, Joe!  You are THE BEST FATHER to Ryan - you're his playmate, his partner in crime, his best friend.  I love watching your relationship with him change as he gets older.  He loves you so much (even when he's intentionally pressing your buttons), and I love that he has a forever playmate in you.  You're so patient and loving with him (even when I know it's so hard to be patient) and watching you with him tugs at my heart.  I love that Ryan is so happy and smiles so much when he's around you.  He loves you so much and is so lucky to have you as his father!  Happy Father's Day - we love you VERY much!!

One of my favorite pictures of Ryan and Joe

Joe teaching Ryan about the stars and planets


Playmates forever

Monday, June 22, 2015 - Day 6
Today was a bit of a "taking care of business" kind of day today.  I know my days are numbered where Ryan is my #1 and all of my multiple-kid friends have told me to get as much done with Ryan as you can before the baby comes - run all the errands, do all the chores, etc because the priority is soon going to be learning how to balance two kids.  We took care of some chores this morning, ran some errands this afternoon, took a nap (which required some bribery).  After negotiating with Ryan for more than an hour, I told him that if he took a nap, he can make some special treats when he woke up.  Two hours later, he's asking me if it's time to make the special treats - so we made some mini-brownies!  He loves to help out in the kitchen and loves to make any kind of "special treats" (whether it's cookies, brownies, smoothies, helping out with dinner, etc).

Cheesin for the camera

Snitching some batter

Such a good helper!

We're still working on the wink
After making the special treats, Ryan took it upon himself to perfect his camera and photography skills.  See below.

Ryan's first selfie