Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer 2015 - Day 9 & 10

Thursday, June 25, 2015 - Day 9
We started today with some porridge for breakfast.  Ryan loves to doctor his porridge up and add all of his favorite things (cinnamon, tiny bit of sugar, walnuts, raisins and then milk to essentially make porridge soup).  Halfway through eating our porridge, he switched bowls with me and said that my porridge tasted better and that was the one he wanted to eat.  Silly boy!

After breakfast, we went to the splash grounds at Waverly Place.  We went there once or twice last summer, and Ryan enjoyed them and since today was an overcast and much cooler morning, I thought it would be nice to get outside early enough without baking in the sun.

We played there for about 30 minutes and then Ryan said he wanted to go to the swimming pool.  So, we left - but not before stopping off by Gigi's cupcakes for a quick special treat :)

We played at the pool for a bit and then came home.  It was beginning to warm up and the clouds were breaking up and I definitely didn't want to spend the afternoon baking in the sun.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of Curious George, reading books, negotiating a nap, and napping.  Joe got some steaks delivered from his boss that were packed in dry ice, so we took the opportunity to give Ryan a science lesson in the least-safe way possible - in our kitchen, without gloves, without proper ventilation, etc.  Hey, why not, right?

Hard to tell who is enjoying this more - Ryan or Joe? 

Friday, June 26, 2015 - Day 10
Happy due date to me!  

We started the day by building towers and playing with Legos.

We spent most of the day today doing chores around the house and running errands.  A pretty slack summer day.  We had big plans to go to the library today, but other errands took priority so maybe sometime soon we'll make it there so Ryan can check out some more Llama Llama Red Pajama, Curious George, and Thomas the Train books (his favorites right now).

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