June 28th, 2015 - July 9th, 2015
Since Lucas was born, we've spent a lot of time at home, getting to know the newest member of our little family and adjusting to life with a baby again. Ryan's been very very helpful and wants to give Lucas lots of hugs and kisses. Joe's been off work and it's like we're all on vacation....except staying at home....and not doing any fun adventures....so maybe it's not at all like we're on vacation, but it's nice to have this time at home while we figure out our new roles and how to balance our time with two kids. Ryan's had some playdates with his cousins and spent some time at Oma's house (especially on the days when the night before has been a little rough) and Joe's taken him on a couple of outings during the day (Marbles, watching fireworks, to the pool, to Lowe's, to Duck Donuts, etc). We even ventured out of the house one night last week and went out to dinner (I was definitely on edge that Lucas would catch Ebola or something). For the most part, we've kept visitors at bay so that we all have time to recover, adjust, and establish a new norm - it's been quiet but it's also been really nice!
Here are some pictures from the past two weeks that I've been meaning to upload - it's crazy to believe that Lucas is 11 days old and that two weeks ago from today, he was still in my belly!
BIG belly! |
Nervously waiting to be induced |
My boys :) |
First flowers :) I love the memory attached to these flowers :) |
Sweet Lucas |
Watching July 3rd fireworks in Morrisville! |
First trip to the pool |
Enjoying a post-dinner milkshake |
Bedtime snuggles |
Big brother presents! |
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