Thursday, March 8, 2012

3 months old! And 13 weeks on the same day!

So today is obviously a very special day--Ryan is 3 months old and 13 weeks today!  He's becoming such a big boy!  I can't believe he's 3 months old already.  THREE MONTHS!  We've only had him for THREE MONTHS.  When I think back to everything we've done over the past three months, the list is incredible, but to know that he's only been with us 13 short's just really special.  Here's our little boy this morning:
Ryan, first thing this morning!

Happy 3 months, Ryan!!!

In Ryan news, he has started laughing pretty consistently.  Joe and I figured this out during Ryan's bedtime routine when we were trying to wipe down his face and neck.  He giggles and giggles and giggles and it's the CUTEST THING EVER.  I'll get it on video soon because honestly, it's the awesomest sound ever :)  He's thrown out his laugh in his sleep a couple of times too.  SO CUTE!

He's also consistently rolling from his back to his side (he definitely favors his left side though...but favors his right arm/hand, so who knows!) and has teeter-tottered with trying to get to his belly, but hasn't made it over yet.  I think rolling from his back to his belly is going to take a little more encouraging from us, because Ryan really doesn't like being on his tummy.  Even now during tummy time, he'll either roll over to his back, or he'll lift his head up for awhile, but then slowly face plant back to the ground and stay like that (and eventually get really mad).  It takes him a lot longer to get mad now than it did before (progress!), but he still doesn't seem to be too fond of being on his belly.  Here's a video of him doing tummy time this morning:
Isn't he just so cute?  I love him :)

He's getting better with grabbing and hitting things.  He particularly likes to grab my hair when I'm carrying him around (I mostly carry him around like a big kid--with some extra handling--instead of a newborn because he's getting so big, and this makes me a little sad because it is a constant reminder of how he's growing up so quickly!) and he's becoming more and more active on his activity mat and in the exersaucer.  Whenever I carry him around like a big kid, he also kind of "hangs on" with the arm/hand that is on my back--it's super cute :)

I think we're going to have an early mover on our hands.  Ryan loves standing up and pretending to walk--he'll lift one leg, then another leg.  I know this is a reflex that newborns are born with, and he did this when he was just born, and then he stopped doing it, and just recently started doing it again.  Sometimes he pretends to jump, or he'll squat and then push up really quickly.  All with a big smile on his face.  And of course, it's super cute.  Also, when he does tummy time, he's using his legs to push push push and he'll push his bottom up into the air almost like he's trying to crawl.  You can see him do this at the very end of the video (it cuts out right as he gets his butt in the air).  I guess time will tell whether or not he'll be an early crawler/walker!

Nighttime is getting a little better (minus this past Tuesday night).  I've been reading a book on how to teach your child to sleep--it was an impulse buy when I was up with Ryan for the 2944737th time one night and I was absolutely exhausted.  Anyway, it suggests establishing a nighttime routine and sticking with it--and only allowing the "start" time of the routine to vary within 15 minutes.  We've decided to try starting the bedtime routine at 7:45-8:00ish and for this past week, it's worked pretty well.  Ryan is usually asleep in the cosleeper by 8:30/8:45 and it also provides some consistency for him.  It also encourages us to stay consistent with the routine, because we can see how Ryan responds to it.  Plus, with Ryan's nap (or absence of) schedule, he really gets fussy after 8:00 if he's not either nursing or trying to go to sleep, so right now it's a win-win situation with us.  Of course, after he continues/finishes his 3 month growth spurt (which I think was why he slept SO poorly this past Tuesday night), things may change, but either way, I'm glad we have something in place that we feel comfortable with.

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