Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer 2014 - Day 13 & 14

Monday, June 30th - Day 13

Today was a busy day!

When Ryan woke up, he wanted to build towers and trains (again).  So, we built towers for a bit.

Because Joe and I did a lot of yard work yesterday, we put a big pitcher of water on the front porch for us to use to stay hydrated.  We brought it inside yesterday evening, but didn't dump it out due to sheer laziness.  I went upstairs to grab Ryan some clothes, and came back down and he was playing with the water:

He loves pouring water from one container to the next.  I think he might enjoy Chemistry when he gets older :)

We also played with the alphabet train puzzle again.  Ryan loves this train, and loves to joke around and pretend that the letters go in the wrong order.  When I play along with him and try to put a puzzle piece in the wrong order (and it doesn't fit), he cracks up as if it's the funniest thing in the world.

At around 3pm, a big dump truck full of mulch was delivered to our house.  Yep, 20 cubic yards.  Ryan enjoyed watching the dump truck.

How much is 20 cubic yards?  TOO MUCH.

After a few hours of spreading mulch, we went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary.  Happy Anniversary to us - seven whole years!

Mmmmm, Azitra!

Ryan was decently well-behaved throughout dinner.  He even patiently waited while I took a picture of our dessert (you can see his arms/hands at the top of the picture).

Tuesday, July 1st - Day 14

Happy July!!  I love the month of July, even more so now that I have the summer off! We have lots of exciting trips coming up this month, so it's going to be a very eventful month!

This morning, instead of building trains and towers immediately, we played basketball!  Ryan is really getting good at throwing the little basketball - let's be honest, really he'll throw whatever I give (and sometimes don't give) him permission to throw - into the basket.

Getting set to LAUNCH!


Then, we built some towers (of course).

Then, we painted with watercolors.

I took Ryan over to Oma and Opa's house so I could keep spreading mulch - it's kind of difficult to do when you're trying to watch a 2.5 year old.  When I picked up Ryan, I told him that if he was a good listener for the rest of the day, that he *maybe* could get a ride in the wheelbarrow.  As you can see, he bought into that bribe very easily:

Nevermind you've been spreading mulch, Joe.  Take our kid for a wheelbarrow ride!

Having fun!

Woo hoo!

Look at that happy face!

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