Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer 2014 - Days 18 - 25

Saturday, July 5th - Day 18 through Saturday, July 12th - Day 25 (Beach Week)

We just returned from the Everitt family beach trip at Topsail Island.  We go every year and it's one of my favorite weeks out of the entire year.  I love Topsail.  I've been vacationing there since I was an infant and I love that Ryan is building his childhood memories there, too!  We spent a whole week lounging around, building towers and trains (surprise!), eating wonderful food, being on "island time" and enjoying each others company.

Some of the highlights of the week:
--going for morning runs on the beach (just me, not Ryan)
--walking on the Surf City Pier at night
--catching a starfish
--seeing the sea turtles (note: standing in line to see them was NOT a highlight)
--building sand castles
--playing on the bunk beds in the kids room
--jumping over the waves
--running to the pier (or at least trying to)
--looking for big shells
--the beach balls
--the hot-air paper lanterns (so cool!)
--seeing fireworks from the pier at night
--making ice cream in a bag
--building towers with Julien
--splashing in the tidal pools
--the hose to spray off our sandy feet

Some funny Ryan quotes from the week:
--"Daddy, can I have a lot of ice cream?"
--Levi: "Ryan, how many times do I have to tell you?"  Ryan: "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.....twenty"
--"you're gonna like it!" (said in a sing-y song voice)
--"Mommy, I like the ocean.  Can we jump over ALL the waves?"

Here are some of my favorite pictures to document our beach week (note: all of these are from my phone, I'll upload the ones from my real camera later):

"Is it time to go to the beach?  I need to go to the beach!"

We're almost there!  We're almost there!

The Swing Bridge!  I love this bridge - it has so much character and charm!

Our view for the week!

A view from our walkway

Ryan, taking it all in

On the beach!

Testing out the water

Watching the waves
Catching some air with Daddy

Running away from some waves

One of my favorite pictures of Ryan from the beach

Running along the beach

One of my favorite pictures of Ryan from this week

My view during my favorite time of day

Eating breakfast in the morning with Levi and Julien

What's more fun than building trains at home?  Building trains at the beach!! 

Ice cream in a bag

"I ate it ALL up!"

"Come on, Mom!  Let's go down to the beach!"

Look at all those waves!

Swinging on the bench

"Are we up high, Mommy?"

LOVED the view, especially at sunset


We would make a point to go on the deck right before sunset and watch and relax.  By far, one of my favorite things to do at the beach.

Creepy, but cool picture of Ryan on the Pier at night

Ryan and Levi playing games on the iPad

Very absorbed into the game

View from Sears Landing Grill & Boat Dock (favorite lunch spot)

At the sea turtle hospital!

Waiting a very very long time to see the sea turtles
In the turtle hospital

In the turtle hospital

Another picture of our fantastic view!

Julien and Ryan building towers and trains in the morning

The ceiling of the Crab Pot

Watching paper lanterns fly in the sky at night

Our playground for the week

"Yes, Opa, feed me while I watch my Daniel Tiger episode"

Dinner at Beauchaines 211

Our silly boy!

Our last night!  The moon was gorgeous!

All in all, it was a fantastic vacation - can't wait until next year's trip!!

Now, it's off to California for the next 12 days for more family fun time!

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