Tuesday, August 5th - Day 49
I woke up early and went for a run before Ryan woke up. I figure I need to get into this habit of waking up early to get my run in before work, so might as well try to start now - granted, I didn't wake up nearly as early as I will once school starts, but hey, I'm in NO BIG HURRY to see the sunrise just yet :)
After Ryan woke up, he was in a funny mood this morning. A little cranky, a little fussy, and just not quite himself. We ate some porridge (he wanted to eat it cold - just oatmeal and cold water - fine, I wasn't going to push it with him this morning) and then changed his mind and wanted yogurt. I opened a yogurt and he took about 4 bites, and then wanted his porridge heated up...you see how this morning went? He was just a little out of sorts.
After breakfast, we had a playdate with Alexandra and her baby brother Nathan. It's so cute to watch Ryan interact with other kids his age, and I love to hear him talk his nonsense with other kids. Listening to a toddler talk with other toddlers is pretty funny - it's like they each are having their own conversations with themselves instead of together. Anyway, they played really well together and had a great time!
Having fun in the bounce house! |
Come on, Alexandra! |
Ryan cheering on Alexandra |
So this picture is kind of a big deal. It's proof that Ryan climbed up the "rock climbing wall" at the park all by himself - something that he (and I) has been scared to do. |
Building sand castles and making cakes! |
Such cuties! |
"I need to help push baby brother" |
After the playdate, we took a quick trip to Trader Joe's (where Ryan was not being his cheerful self in the beginning - quote to come later on), then came home and took his nap. During his nap, I was able to catch up with a longtime friend on the phone for an hour and a half - much needed conversation! When Ryan woke up from his nap, Joe was finished with work and was able to play with him. He took Ryan outside, they played on the sidewalk and with different bouncing balls, then came inside and drew and colored.
Ryan and Joe writing letters and coloring together. And no, Joe is not naked. |
We ventured out to dinner and watched the colorful fountains at the Park West movie theater. Then, we stumbled upon a carnival (or something) set up in the Target parking lot. Kind of surprising, but it was still going strong after dinner so we went back and let Ryan bounce in the bounce house, slide down the bounce slide, and play in the firetruck. What a great (and surprising!) way to end our day!
Ryan was SO EXCITED to see the fountains! |
A REALLY BIG smile from Mr. Ryan! |
He's so happy and excited! |
My sweet little boy! |
Such a great night! |
Getting a taste of Daddy's snow cone |
Driving the fire truck! |
Mesmerized by the lights! |
more fire truck action |
Funny quotes from today
--"I need to help push baby brother, too" (Ryan, after Alexandra said this when we were leaving the park)
--"Mommy, go outside the door, back to the car, and drive home!" (Ryan, when he was angry when we first got to Trader Joe's because I wouldn't let him put something in the wagon)
--"Mommy, go pick out a gummy and brush your teeth and swish and spit into the sink" (Ryan right before I said goodnight to him)
--"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII am going to do it. I am!!" (Ryan, said in a sing-y voice, after we told him that he couldn't tickle Daddy during our nighttime routine)
Wednesday, August 6th - Day 50
Fifty days of summer! I really can't believe how quickly this time has gone by! I'm so glad that I still have a week left, but my gosh, how quickly time flies when you're having fun!
I woke up and went for a run before Ryan woke up this morning. Once Ryan woke up, we ate breakfast (granola! not porridge or bran flakes!):
See, mommy? I will eat something other than old people food for breakfast. |
On second thought, tomorrow I think I'll go back to my porridge.
After breakfast, we decided to go to Marbles to make up for my big huge mommy fail from earlier this week. MAN, did Ryan have fun there! It's awesome to watch him at Marbles - he knows where everything is that he wants to play with (including the water fountain) and he goes right over to whatever he wants to play with, plays with it for awhile, announces that "it's time to go to (blank)" and then marches over to that area. We played with the car/train set, we played in the grocery store area, we played basketball, we played in the new energy/electricity area, we played in the gymnastics/exercise area, and I introduced Ryan to the money/saving area today (which he loved, mostly because there were green balls everywhere and a huge twisty slide). He had a fantastic time!
Ryan ended up "buying" 3 boxes of pasta. He loves his carbs like his mommy! |
Ryan's learning how to take over the world. |
Love this picture, even though Ryan is a blur :) |
His first taste of the rings...see you at the Olympics! |
No, Ryan, you can't attempt a double layout dismount on these rings. |
He probably went down the slide 15 times. He loves it! |
After Marbles, we went home for a quick lunch and then headed to the swimming pool for a quick afternoon swim before Ryan's nap.
...and we have a corn dog fan! Thanks, Trader Joe's! |
I didn't get any pictures from the pool today because we spent the entire time in the big pool, floating, practicing swimming, chasing each other, and having a fantastic time. Ryan really is beginning to enjoy the big pool - let's hope this enjoyment continues!
After the pool, Ryan took a nap. He was worn out from Marbles and the pool and slept for over 2 hours! After his nap, we built towers with his new blocks:
After dinner, we watched and episode of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and snuggled on the couch. All in all, it was a perfect summer day!
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