Wednesday, August 13th - Day 57
The dreaded feeling in my stomach keeps getting stronger and stronger. Only one more full day of summer left. Ok, enough complaining - I know that there are so many people who do not get a summer at all (really, summertime for teachers is really a nicer way of saying temporary unemployment because we don't get paid during the summer) - but MAN, it's going to be so hard to wake up on Friday morning!
SO. Enough. I woke up this morning and had every intention of going running. I even set my alarm so I could wake up, go running, and have a little bit of time to myself before Ryan got up. Great intentions, right? In reality, hitting snooze on my alarm for almost an hour and fifteen minutes prevented any kind of run this morning. Instead, I woke up, showered, and then got Ryan up and we met some of my coworkers for our weekly Wednesday morning playdate. Have I mentioned how much I like my coworkers? Ryan was super excited to see the regular Wednesday morning crew (he talked about them in the car on the way over). I was excited to catch up with them and mope, groan, and complain about having to go to work on Friday :) Either way, it was a good time, and I forgot to take pictures of Ryan again because we were both having too much fun.
After my coworker playdate, Ryan and I ventured out to Chapel Hill to meet another friend for a playdate. It was such a nice day - very atypical August weather - and it seemed that lots of other people had the same idea to be outside.
Hugging the pole because "I love this park". I'm not kidding. |
Gotta see how these swings measure up to all the other swings. |
two cute kids! |
These rings are fun! |
Alexandra, spot my double back, would ya? |
Future King of the Rings |
After the park playdate (and after getting my car jump-started because the battery was dead), Ryan and I ventured to the pool. I feel like I haven't been able to spend as much time at the pool as I had hoped or initially planned at the beginning of the summer. I think our beach/California trips and the cooler-than-normal weather in August had something to do with that. Either way, Ryan really has warmed up to the pool. He ONLY wanted to be in the big pool during this trip, so we played in the shallow end with his water balls the entire time. He loved it :)
Where's my puddle jumper? |
He only went in the little pool during break time. I REALLY hope his love for the pool is as strong next summer! |
After his nap and a tasty dinner of fish tacos (yay, Salsa Fresh!), we took our evening walk around the neighborhood and savored every last minute of daylight of the second-to-last day of my summer break. Such a great day!
He did NOT want to be in the jog stroller. At all. |
Thursday, August 14th - Day 58
Guys. This is it. This is the last day of my summer break. Where have the past 58 days gone?? Eight weeks of summer (essentially). Eight weeks during the school year don't go by NEARLY as quickly. I am so thankful to have had this time with my sweet boy and am SO GLAD that I started this blog up again so I could keep track of how we filled our days. This summer has really made me realize that I need to 1) continue this blog so I don't forget the little things of Ryan's childhood and 2) take more days off work to be with Ryan. I suppose those are two good outcomes of the summer, in addition to the countless memories we've made.
With a heavy heart today, Ryan and I started our typically summer day with breakfast.
Mouth full of rice krispies! |
We then went for a jog and I tried to savor it (even when pushing him up the hills) because I know that running with him in the mornings is now going to be restricted to weekends. So sad! We then ran some errands and built some towers and trains when we got back home. We went out to lunch with Joe (because it will be awhile before this happens again on a weekday).
Daddy and Ryan making funny faces at each other. LOVE! |
Love this picture of us. He makes me so happy! |
Our turn for funny faces :) |
After lunch, we went to the park. Best decision ever. The park was basically empty, so Ryan had full reign over the playground. And of course, he had a blast. Just me and him. I loved it.
One of my favorites from this summer. |
My sweet angel. |
After the park, Ryan took a nap (I took the opportunity to go get my hair cut). When he woke up, he played with Joe for a little bit and then we went out to dinner to celebrate an incredibly fantastic summer. We took a walk around the neighborhood after dinner, even though it was already getting pretty dark when we left. I wanted to savor every last second of my first real summer with Ryan and I'm so glad that we were outside as the sun set on my last day of summer.
58 days of summer. 58 days of wonderful. 58 days of incredible memories. I can't wait to do it again next summer!!! June 8, 2015 can't get here fast enough :)
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